Saturday, June 11

This is going to sound very contradictory to my last post, seeing as I went on a long rant about how I don't need anyone, but I really appreciate everyone who's in my life right now. Like I really thank God that I met each and every one of you. Whether we're still close or not, we've shared some pretty great memories, and at the end of the day memories are all we have. To me, it always seems like people don't care and that's why I distance myself from them. But i'm beginning to realize maybe its because I don't give them a chance; maybe to them I don't care. I dreamt of someone last night; someone who used to be a good friend of mine. I don't think you'll ever know how much I miss you. We had our disagreements but I know you cared, even if you had a patronizing way of showing it. Once I thought of picking up the phone and giving you a call, to ask if you wanted to go for a drink; just put everything behind us and be buddies again like we used to. Then I remember how I deleted your no. out of anger all those months ago. And I don't know if you even use the same one anymore. But regrets are useless. I guess sometimes the most important people in your life are meant to walk away so that you learn something from it and evolve as a person. I know if you were here right now I would appreciate you so much more. Maybe in the future if our paths cross we can be close again but until then i'm not going to take any of my friends for granted.