Sunday, May 1

I used to not know what I wanted in relationships and mostly just passed my time, not really giving a fuck whether it worked out or not. But now I know exactly what I want. I want to be in it in the long run. I want my s/o to be my other best friend. I want to stay up late at night having conversations that never end even if they don't make any sense. I want to be comfortable acting completely unglam. I want someone who will mean so much to me that even though I hate talking on the phone, I would still call just to hear their voice. Someone whom I could spend every single day with if possible. Someone I wouldn't mind being completely vulnerable with. I want to always know what's on their mind, know them inside out and would want them to be the only person who knows me inside out. I want them to be the only person I want to bring  home because I hate having people invade my privacy and home is on top of that list. I want to just cuddle up and have movie marathons, just us. I want to flood their room with my letters and presents and whatever else. Fuck I want their bottom drawer to be full of my stuff; or my bottom drawer full of theirs, where it looks like we're practically living together. There are so many more things I know I want but its fucking tragic because right now I only want all of this with you.