Thursday, April 7

Last one ok. I know i'm falling off the brink into lameness already but these are too addictive I just have to itchy fingers and do one.

1. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
I don't have a closet I have a chest of drawers thank god

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
No but my mom does

3. Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?
Not yet

4. Where is your next vacation?
Bali hopefully?

5. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Now why the fuck would I do that?

6. Who do you think reads these?
God. Idk whoever reads these

7. Do you have a calendar in your room?

8. Where are you?

9. What's your plan for the day?
Its 1am I plan to sleep

10. Are you reading any books right now?
Yeah gerald's game but I can't seem to finish it cause i've ADD

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
I'm ADD not OCD

12. Have you ever peed in the woods?
No sir

13. Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
There's always music playing in my head

14. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Gross no

15. What is your "Song of the Week"?
Stromae's house llelujah. Replay button got raped

16. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

17. Do you still watch cartoons?
Nope they make me sleepy

18. Whats your favorite love movie?
100 days of summer. But "its not a love story its a story about love" rmb?

19. What do you drink with dinner?

20. What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
Curry sawce

21. What is your favorite food/cuisine?
Italian. Mother of all foods

22. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Women in trouble. Esp the scene where emmanuelle is at the bar smiling her gorgeous smile and shaking her hair loose from that ugly fuck wig which idk why she was wearing. Just foam at the mouth only

23. Last person you hugged/kissed?
Autism koh

24. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Hell no

25. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Sure if they paid me so that i'd never have to work again

26. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
January. Then I crushed and burnt it

27. Do you keep in touch with exes/ex-dates?

28. What do you think when someone mentions an ex/ex-date's name?

29. Is there an ex/ex-date you have had bad experiences with?

30. What would you do if this person appears at your doorstep right now begging to get back together?
Lolll call IMH

31. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Smoked turkey with brie. And the chapalang sandwiches I make for myself at my workplace. Seriously just pile shit on and top it off with tomato pesto. Fucking yummy

32. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
My neighbor's parrot

33. What is your usual bedtime?
On a working day 12am. On an off day 3-4am

34. Are you lazy?
Nope i'm always the one tidying up after everyone

35. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
When I was a kid I didn't even know what was halloween

36. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Why read magazines when you have the internet?

37. Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?
Lego. Wtf even is a lincoln log

38. Are you stubborn?

39. Who is better... Leno or Letterman?

40. Ever watch soap operas?
Yeah they make my eyes sting with tears of boredom

41. Afraid of heights?
Bloody hell yes

42. Ever kissed someone of the same sex?

43. Ever cried because you were so happy?
Never cried but I could feel happy tears welling up once

44. Ever been in love?

45. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Nope crying and fits aren't my thing i'm not sonya rai

46. Do you miss anyone right now?
Yeah. I remembered this game we used to play all the time and I went to play it just now but its not the same